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Delphine has no animations...


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I'm at the start of "A Blade in the Dark" quest where you have to go and meet Delphine at the Sleeping Giant Inn.


However, she's stuck in a standing pose near the door, and has no animations. I can talk to her, and get the "attic room".


She comes and talks to me, and the whole conversation goes as normal, but when she walks over to her room across the inn, she as no walking animations and just "floats" when she moves.


She'll change into her gear and go outside after the conversation is finished, but then she just stands there in the same pose and won't start moving towards Kynesgrove. She also won't draw her weapons, attack enemies, or do anything else.


So now I cannot continue with the MQ, and I don't know what to do.


I tried the disable/enable, toggleai, and resetai console commands, and they had no effect. I also tried removing all of my mods that affect any kind of animation, but it also didn't fix the problem.


All other NPC's are behaving normally. For some reason it's just Delphine that's the problem. I ran all my mods through TESVedit, and there are no mods that edit her or her scripts.


Please, can someone help me? Make any suggestions that may help? :sad:

Edited by Lehcar
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