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CTD when Looting - Assumed Frostfall/Hunterborn Issue


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Hello people. I need help. As the title says, I get a CTD, without a warning or anything, when I try to loot bodies of things. So far it's a 3/3 crash rate, and I came here thinking it could be a temporary thing. I found other people who had the same issue though, so I made this topic/thread.


Like the title says, I'm assuming it has something to do with Frostfall or Hunterborn (probably the latter) because I just added those mods and the Hunterborn thing that makes Falskaar or whatever it is work there too.


My load order for these is as follows:


Purewaters.esp (included because i remember it mentioned by Frostfall i think)







Any help is appreciated



UPDATE - 12:13



Load order issue (first time needing a proper load order for mods, forgive me please). New load order moves the patches beneath what they make respective mods compatible with.

Edited by CryoticShell
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  • 10 months later...

I have the same problem, I did some troubleshooting on my end and managed to figure out that it CTD's anytime I try to open a container (bodies, player inventory, etc.).


I only seem to get this problem after I do any Hunterborn-related things (skinning, field-dressing, etc.)


Haven't managed to fix it yet, will edit this if I find a fix.



NMM places .esp's incorrectly by default, running BOSS fixes it.

Edited by djdude4567
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