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Far Cry

help with some mods


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hi guys! its my first time here and I wanted a suggestion on how I could add two mods at the same time to my far cry 3, my computer is very low end, it has an intel hd graphics 3000, an i5 2520M, 8gb of ram and 120gb of sdd and me I would like to add as low end texture mods as possible. I absolutely do not care for the graphics, if possible I would even remove the trees and leave only the wooden trunk showing to increase the fps, besides that I would like to add another mod for gameplay like ziggy, but my priority is to find a mod that I can reduce TO MAXIMUM the graphics of the game to be playable, the lowest possible graphics, even if it harms the experience of the game I only care about fps, giving to have fun taking outposts and hunting animals is already great. graphic doesn't matter to me so i wanted a suggestion of what mod i could use to make the graphics as low as possible and if i could put another mod like ziggy in the same game.

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