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New mod request: Exit-nullified PA


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Exit-nullified Power Armor does one thing: It nullifies holding E to exit your power armor: You can only exit your power armor or PA Frame when you've exhausted ALL fusion cores. This will make the player think tacticfully about what pieces to modify, how many cores to carry, where they should drop cores to come back to, and if running PA mods that include their own frames: What PA Frame to put on.


By doing this the player is in a permanent debuff of always having the frame and any other armor modifications on. Simply put, the only way to exit the power armor would be to exhaust the fusion core inside it + drop all cores in a secure location.


Genie: "You wanted to be a mech warrior? Wish granted."


Player: "Why can't I take it off?!"


Genie: "It just works!" *POOF*

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