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Liac0s - BANNED

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Liac0s banned.

Reason for the ban

Petty little Troll.


Liac0s, on 25 Jul 2013 - 5:04 PM, said:

Hey, I've just downloaded this mod of yours! Guess what? This and the rest of your shitty job are going to my little site (no links), but don't worry, soon enough you'll see decades of different sites which will host your stupid mod as theirs! [:)] Let's see if you are really going to stop releasing your noobish mods!!! (^_^)

P.S. You can ask from an admin to get me banned, but I'll make a new account and then even if you will be able to take down the links (which you won't), I will create another account (either from an internet cafe or a proxy) and then I'll do the same thing over and over again! After all, I'm insale man! And did I even tell you what the definition of insanety is? Is to do the SAME f*#@ing thing over and over again, expecting s#*! to change. Of course, the first time I heard this line, I thought it was merely a catchphase, but you see, it is a fact! THIS.IS.CRAZY!

Reference post


Your other account - KoikeEriasu1KoikeYui - is also banned.

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