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Tracked mods being wiped


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It's probably just a side effect of the site wide maintenance. I wouldn't worry about it too much until after Dark0ne gives us the all clear. A little (or even a lot) of weirdness with the sites are too be expected until then. Hopefully it'll all be fixed soon :)

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Same here. Not a big problem for me, really, since my tracked mods were very few.

I'm more concerned about a more serious issue, related to login. Most of the times I have to reenter my username/password, the system reports me as authenticated but when I try to add a comment I have to reenter the information. Could it be something related to my browser plugins (pop-up/script/ad blocking)? I just got a warning about my "secure key" being I don't know what...



Changing the email address associated to the account (the former was expired) proved to be effective. Now I can access both the forums and the nexusmods site without problems.

Edited by DarJee
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My tracked files are gone for Dragon Age origins, Dragon Age 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New vegas, and Oblivion.


Will they come back, because I had over 20 pages of mods tracked across all of these games.


It would suck to have to try and remember and find all of the mods over again.

Edited by King_Sovereign
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