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Kvatch Church Mesh problem


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Hi guys, I have been having this problem in Kvatch were the church has a broken mesh (No walls, missing stairs, things like that). I tried re-installing the game to replace the file but it seems the file is broken on the disk as well. I checked the file out in both blender and Nifskope and the object appears to have a damaged mesh, as when I fixed a part of it in blender the fix appeared in the game. I was able to repair the steps leading up into the place but anything more than that is currently beyond my blender skills.


Anyways, I was hoping that somebody could send me a new Mesh for it so that I can go ahead and delete the old one and replace it. The file I need is located under Data\meshes\Architecture\Cathedral and is called CathedralAkatoshRuined01


Thanks in advance for your help, I can take it from there. I'm sure that no other files have been damaged as the rest of the game plays fine.


Edit: Never mind: I solved the problem by going into Oblivion and extracting the meshes from the Archive. Wasn't in the normal textures file... odd.

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