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Some mod makes Dead NPC spawn from the sky


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As the tittle says, I'm trying to identify which mod is making certain dead NPC to spawn randomly from the sky when I enter their cell.


What happens is when I enter the cell I sometimes see then fall from the sky, sometimes only hear the sound of their body hit the ground, sometimes they fly by like a physics bug.


This all happens on new game, with Skyrim FPS capped at 60.


The NPC I've noticed are the Woodsmen near the Woodsmen Friend and both male Talos Worshippers on the Talos Shrine near Lakeview manor.


I have gathered this information:

00009BD6 - > Woodsmen
Cell -3, -17

pinewoodGroveLumberjack "Wood Cutter" [NPC_:0002236C]

00009BD4 -> Worshipper
Cell -1,-17

dunPOITalosWorshipperCorpse03 "Worshipper" [NPC_:0005B907]


Edit: Mistery partially solved. Since all NPCs where males, and disabling HDT physics fixed the issue, I tracked it to SOS light, probably there is some HDT setting that is making NPCs fly when using SOS light.

Edited by Agnusthemagi
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