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Looking For a Civil War Savegame!


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I would really like a savegame with the Civil War quests for the Imperials finished up until Battle For Whiterun. No quests but the intro and Civil War quests (FOR THE IMPERIALS, PLEASE). I need this save because of a gamebreaking bug disallowing me to finish Message to Whiterun. I have reinstalled, mods and modless, done 10 hours of searching and it seems my case is peculiar. ALL I request is the Battle For Whiterun quest be started whilst inside Dragonsreach. For the Imperial side!!!


This would be greatly appreciated because I can only do the Stormcloak side and I am fiercely imperial!

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Formerly, the bug was the inability for me to speak to Quentin Cipius at the end of Message to Whiterun. Since each stage causes scripts individually to start the Battle For Whiterun, SetStage will not work. Trust me I've tried. When I freshly reinstalled without mods, he no longer exists, and the place where he is supposed to be lies my quest marker, on the ground.

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