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A interesting armor request.


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Alright, i have no real idea if i request something like this wether somebody will be up for it, or just flame me to no possible end. :unsure:


Anyways, i am looking for a request for a armor, from a somewhat infamous anime, fate stay/night.


as i wait for the chance to get the saber armor, another one hit me in the head like a bag of bricks, i want riders armor, specifically speaking.


This one


You can make it three pieces, arm covers/gloves, main torso dress, then shoes, or make them all one, im not picky.


Mask can be there, dosent have to be.

same goes for weapon.


I would love for somebody to be able to do this, thank you. :thanks:

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Although i didnt know the existance of archers dual swords, i did of the saber safe, but however, thats not the one i am looking for.


this armor, is.


I messaged the only person i knew that had a copy, that is A-type 2, but, he said that he is not giving his copy, which i respect that, and two others have created their own, but i have no idea to their where abouts, i look them up, and i get totally diffrent people.


If you would like to make a saber armor as well, it would be much appreciated, but im currently set on the medusa armor.

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my mesh skills suck on the level of a 2 year old's attempt at the olympics while programming an AI construct.

I also suggest maddogs fantasy mod. It has both of sabers swords in it.

Hm...I might go for that, then trim it down to the saber swords, and change its location.


Thanks, ill try it.


Still though, the offer to make riders armor is still up for grabs.

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