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Sit and Get up Animation Glitch..help?


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So this glitch came out of no where. I can't be sure of when it exactly began, but one day I noticed that the "sit down" and "get up" animation disappeared. The following is the desription of the glitch: When I go to sit down, the field of view changes to 3rd person, but my character just stands there for about 5 seconds before the field of view changes to first person, at which point, I am supposedly sitting. When I change back to 3rd person, my character is "not sitting" but standing. When I go to stand up, it switches to 3rd person, but again, the animation makes my character stand still for 5 seconds before switching back to first person, at which point I have control of my character again. Basically, all that is missing is the sit down and get up animation. I loaded one of my older saves to see if the glitch was present, and it was not.


The only animation replacers that I use have never caused this glitch before, so I do not believe that they are at fault. My only guess at this point is that something from a mod may have overwritten the meshes involved with sitting down, getting up, but then again, if this was the case, why would my earlier saves have not been affected?


If anyone has an idea, or if this has happened to someone else, please let me know. The lack of the animation does not cripple the game. I can still begin the shivering isles quests, as well as the brotherhood of dawn quest in the elven garden's sewers. (both instances require you to sit down). But I do miss the eye candy....


Any thoughts?

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Ah ha. I figured it out. Obviously I didn't do my homework and research this topic more, otherwise I would have found out that this glitch had been addressed in the forums before. After disabling NOTN, the glitch disappeared. I will install the unofficial patch next to see if that corrects the problem altogether. Yet another little funny bug...
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