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Far Cry

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So yesterday I dropped my request for a really good extra hotkeys mod nexus community, today it's an in-game clock. There is obviously a ticking number somewhere in the game file of the time of day while you are in game. The timescale has been figured out in the lockedcontentlua or whatever, and you can then set a number to dictate how fact that timescale ticks...ok so SOMEWHERE the actual thing ticking must be accessible because we can set a number that dictates how fast it ticks. So how to show on the HUD, somewhere in a corner or something. It has to be there though, I mean it has to be. And with the timescale in the lua we are placing a number that dictates it, on this I'm just asking for a counter that displays it...if you can modify something about it, there HAS to be a way to just display it surely. So let's see if anyone out there can use some of the information we all have, maybe the lockedcontentlua wehre you can change the timescale in the patch files is a good start to see where the clock and/or counter is and how it could be displayed.

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