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Hi, I've been trying to get mods onto Skyrim and I keep having problems with FNIS. No one moves, at all, there are no animations. I use Vortex if that matters, this is the last FNIS message with as little mods as possible installed and the skeleton arm patch on, and creature pack off.


FNIS Behavior V7.6 9/7/2021 6:04:41 PM
Skyrim SE 64bit: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)
>>Warning: \character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\character assets\skeleton.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (126 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Reading FNISBase V7.6 ...
>>Warning: \character\behaviors\FNIS_XPMSE_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
Reading XPMSE V7.2 ...
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164
Creature Pack not installed
164 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character).
3 Warning(s).
This is a list of my mods active:
RaceMenu - RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16

Skyrim Scripts Extender 64 (SKSE64)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
List of plugins not listed in mods active:
the paarthurnax dilemma.esp
Also I did attempt running FNIS without Quick Start and i have attempted FNIS with creature pack, SkyUI, Netlmmerse Override, and BodySlide. I watched a YouTube video about downloading FNIS though Vortex and thought i followed it but I may have messed up somewhere
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