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mmkay Requests


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my current projects are:

-New Gas Mask________________(completed)_________<medium,needs to be added to game>

-Hockey mask [full with mouth]___(completed)_________<to be released with another mod>

-Freddy krueger team__________(near completation)___<hard,medium time>

-Terminator mod______________(started)____________<very hard,very long time>

-Glock_______________________(started)____________<medium,medium time>

-Kevlar Power armor exoskeleton_(not started)_________<easy,long time>

-predator mask________________(not started)_________<easy,medium time>

-cnc 3 armors and guns_________(not started)_________<hard, long time>

-mmkay project________________(not started)_________<hard,very long time>

-spike sledge hammer___________(not started)_________<easy,medium time>

-killzone goodies_______________(not started)_________<very hard, very long time>

-shemagh_____________________(not started)_________<easy, long time>

-ski mask_____________________(not started)_________<easy, short time>

-semitransparent power armor____(not started)_________<very easy, short time>

-messages on the side, no hood___(not started)_________<no idea, sort time>

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im some point you have read my mind but i kept saying "mmkay" allday yesterday i mean i drove my self nuts like "Now i need to stop mmkay" and then i went "ARGHH...mmmkay" well anyway Why not a guy like this that always says Mmkay on Fallout 3 :o?


it would be a splended idea for annoyment in fallout 3.... lol >-<

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im some point you have read my mind but i kept saying "mmkay" allday yesterday i mean i drove my self nuts like "Now i need to stop mmkay" and then i went "ARGHH...mmmkay" well anyway Why not a guy like this that always says Mmkay on Fallout 3 :o?


it would be a splended idea for annoyment in fallout 3.... lol >-<


mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do

I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing

since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds,

but I will talk to the team.

once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs

to me, mr makie..... mmmkay?

I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything

this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview


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im some point you have read my mind but i kept saying "mmkay" allday yesterday i mean i drove my self nuts like "Now i need to stop mmkay" and then i went "ARGHH...mmmkay" well anyway Why not a guy like this that always says Mmkay on Fallout 3 :o?


it would be a splended idea for annoyment in fallout 3.... lol >-<


mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do

I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing

since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds,

but I will talk to the team.

once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs

to me, mr makie..... mmmkay?

I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything

this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview



hehe kenny are we talking full companion or just a random NPC that shows up at the oddest times :D (sounds fun, might make for an interesting thing to do once we finish the Freddy MOD :Þ

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im some point you have read my mind but i kept saying "mmkay" allday yesterday i mean i drove my self nuts like "Now i need to stop mmkay" and then i went "ARGHH...mmmkay" well anyway Why not a guy like this that always says Mmkay on Fallout 3 :o?


it would be a splended idea for annoyment in fallout 3.... lol >-<


mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do

I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing

since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds,

but I will talk to the team.

once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs

to me, mr makie..... mmmkay?

I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything

this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview



hehe kenny are we talking full companion or just a random NPC that shows up at the oddest times :D (sounds fun, might make for an interesting thing to do once we finish the Freddy MOD :Þ


probably someone that just pops out of nowhere, or that is waiting for you outside the vault .....mkay?

and then it will be logical..... or when you take mushrooms a new drug, you will halluxcinate...... im at school cant talk mush but I will bring the ideas once I comeback from school


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im some point you have read my mind but i kept saying "mmkay" allday yesterday i mean i drove my self nuts like "Now i need to stop mmkay" and then i went "ARGHH...mmmkay" well anyway Why not a guy like this that always says Mmkay on Fallout 3 :o?


it would be a splended idea for annoyment in fallout 3.... lol >-<


mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do

I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing

since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds,

but I will talk to the team.

once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs

to me, mr makie..... mmmkay?

I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything

this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview



hehe kenny are we talking full companion or just a random NPC that shows up at the oddest times :D (sounds fun, might make for an interesting thing to do once we finish the Freddy MOD :Þ


probably someone that just pops out of nowhere, or that is waiting for you outside the vault .....mkay?

and then it will be logical..... or when you take mushrooms a new drug, you will halluxcinate...... im at school cant talk mush but I will bring the ideas once I comeback from school


That's cool, i sent you an email with the hockey mask in it... and as far as this guy goes i am sure we can come up with something BUT i cannot take anything new on that i already don't have in work, kind of hard balancing that with what i need to get done on the Freddy MOD. which is my top priority right now

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mmmkay requesting people is bad, because they never listen to you, mmmkay?

so don't be bad, and request me mmmkay?

Im willin to make a mesh, texture, sound, or anything you can imagine.... mkay?

no bullshit mmmkay

so the deal is, you give me a kudo, and I deliver you whish...mmmkay?

so I set a little organized schedule


between <> is the level of dificulty and time it will take to be done, eg. <hard,long time>

between () is the status of the mod


my current projects are:

-New Gas Mask________________(completed)_________<medium,needs to be added to game>

-Hockey mask [full with mouth]___(completed)_________<to be released with another mod>

-Freddy krueger team__________(near completation)___<hard,medium time>

-Terminator mod______________(started)____________<very hard,very long>

-Glock_______________________(started)____________<medium,medium time>

-Kevlar Power armor exoskeleton_(not started)_________<easy,long time>

-predator mask________________(not started)_________<easy,medium time>

-cnc 3 armors and guns_________(not started)_________<hard, long>

-mmkay project________________(not started)_________<hard,very long>



so if you want to request me something have in account I won't do something huge,

but I will be glad to help those that don't know chit about modding.

:blink: mmmkay

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