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mmkay Requests


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Mkay class, today we will all request a killzone armor, mkay?



or just the helmet..mkay?



or I think this would be a cool helmet :P




Also, unless you REALLY want to..I think it would be cool to have a South Park companion...though the animations would be tough. I think either Cartmen or Mr.Hankey

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of course I can make it, I will add it in the whish list on the top of the page

there you can see the status of the mods

you also gave me an idea besides what you want I will also add a roberry mask


please post images like this as is easier for people to navigate


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Can you make semitransparent or transparent power armour?


In Oblivion the glass armour was made transparent by one mod.


As much a question as a request for a mod!


:banana: :thanks:

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Can you make semitransparent or transparent power armour?


In Oblivion the glass armour was made transparent by one mod.


As much a question as a request for a mod!


:banana: :thanks:


I still don't know how to edit the properties of materials on nifskope, but Im pretty sure I will learn soon

if I do, this will be easy as I only have to make adjustments on nifskope

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ok, Im going to sleep now, but keep asking for mods as I will do as much as I can for you guys.


That is a page break my friend

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Heh i came up with a mask to... why not Good ol Dr. Thrax's mask? from Command And Conquer Generals: Zero Hour?




he has a lil Serious face there.

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