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NPC gives 1/3 XP on kill to player... Possible?


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Hi all,


First, how it works... When your NPC/Follower/Companion kills a target, and you haven't touched it, you gain no XP at all... For me, a little D&D player, I think this is wrong... Why? Well, the other way around workds (when you kill foes, you get XP... When you up a level, they up a level). And sometime, they just go in and kill the foes... They don't care about me! :P (The nearest modification I could get my hands on it a global variable IXPDeathRewardThreshold. Usually at 40 or something now, back to 0).


So, I would like a mod (I'm not very good to create them, I don't understand much yet about scripting and everything... No time too, sucks...) that, when any foes are killed by the Followers/Companions, a third (1/3) XP (rounded up would be cool) are given back to the player. (I'm using slower level up so it won't be that bad). Why 1/3? Well, usually, I get Jessi and Kelsey to follow...


So, they kill a little 1xp creature, you gain 1 (you know, that's why the rounded up thingny). A 15xp character? You get 5...


Hey, if it's possible, I think it would be a little better then the usual you get nothing!


Thanks in advance,




P.S. Well, it seems that the companions of enclave commander can give you the XP I'm talking about... I'm trying to understand how the hell it works but... (I'll probably send a message to the author if I'm unable to figure it out). Seems he took it from Robco Certified... I checked it out too and I'm even more messed up... :P If I find anything that works, I'll report back!

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