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QueenOfInfinity - BANNED

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QueenOfInfinity banned.

Promoting piracy, Far Cry New Dawn
Attacking another member, threatening her/him with distributing a cracked version of the the said member’s last updated mod (not working any longer with pirate copies of said game)
Aggressively belittling the said member and her/his content
Particularly offensive remarks towards the said member

QueenOfInfinity, on 10 Sept 2021 - 6:13 PM, said

in response to post #99051333 #99061378
so you are supporting the CANCER denuvo ?. you will cry later when you become unable to even launch your "Rented" game, cause you can never EVER "own" a game that has such cancerous drm.

anyway, i just cracked your "lame" protection, and its just truly PATHETIC. i am considering releasing my cracked version later, just to oppose your ugly cause of protecting literal CANCER.

try to grow up, and stop being a ZOMBIE. you can't be a "hero" while defending the wrong side.
Edited by QueenOfInfinity, 11 September 2021, 03:54 PM.

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