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Non-Adult and Adult Mod Support and Order Assist Request


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I thank you in advance for reviewing this message. It is a lot but I am hoping the extra information will be helpful


I am using Vortex. I started these with a fresh game, and am willing to start another fresh game, and do whatever is necessary to files to set up a run for success. At this point, it feels way over my head for what I am trying to accomplish. My current build runs, does not crash, but is not performing everything I would like it to. I am respectfully requesting advice, guidance and mod substitutions to achieve.


Some things I would like to make clear: my occupation is not in software/pc and I do my best to learn what I can from searching-KISS method for me please. When clear installation instructions are present on mod pages, I do my best to follow them to the letter. I have performed .ini file edits per instructions in the past and am familiar with that. If I should delete the .ini files and start fresh, please guide me.


I will lay out my deploy order and detail any issues I am experiencing with that particular mod. I will then layout my goal behind each subset of mods for recommendations.



In the past, I could get my male character completely nude. As well as followers and females. They jiggled appropriately when jostled or carried. I can still get nude females albeit with exaggerated jiggle. My male character refuses to disrobe for anything and physics seems to affect him more with jiggling man-ass and man-boobs. I know little to nothing about bodyslide mechanics.


-Body Framework-CBBE

-Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer

-Glorious Female Nude Mod-CBBE edition

-8k realistic skin textures-CBBE-Fusion girl

-Advanced Animation Framework AAF

-Better Female Walk (Average Jiggle)

-Body Framework

-BodySlide and Outfit Studio

-BodyTalk 3.15 hotfixed

-CBP Physics

----HN66Fo4 EasyGirl MOD MAIN FILE-**only downloaded for diamond city expansion**

---HN66 Easy Girl Patch B **

-Unique Player

-ZaZ Extended Skeeton


Disabled currently, but attempted for goal above:

-Better Body Physics

-ZCBP-OCBP Configs for Zex bdies Fusion girl


-OCBP for ZeX



GOAL 2: HAVE INTIMACY WITH SELF, FOLLOWERS, NPCS (in addition to goal 1 mods-(open to additional recommendations):

In the past, these have worked well. Mods have initiated well on this launch but lack noise/sound effects and my male character refuses to become nude and present with erection.


-AAF Vanilla Sex Animations

-AAF-The One Patch to Rule Them all

-Atomic Lust


-Immersive Lovers Animation Editions

-Immersive Lovers Classic Edition

-Real Animated Poses

-Torture Devices




This has also worked in the past. NPCs do the actions but are still dressed. My male character will only disrobe to underwear. Yes, the configuation for auto undress is active.


-CWSS Redux 4.01

-GET DIRTY additional effects

-Get Dirty (take a bath)

-Get Dirty Update Follower Script


Other goals currently intact are to have settlement building freedom with challenging spawn mods to test defenses. Also, to create an immersive and beautiful environment within the game with seasons etc. I'm always open to recommendations to improve the experience.




2. HUDFramework

3. Full Dialogue Interface

4. TruBy9 Ultrawide Fallout (I have 2560x1080 resolution)

5. Streetlight Radius Fix

6. k-9 harness

7. k-9 harness-4k textures

8. Body Framework-CBBE ****goal/issue detailed****

9. Raider Armor Overhaul

10. Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer *****goal/issue detailed*****

11. Glorious Female Nude Mod-CBBE edition *****goal/issue detailed****

12. 8k realistic skin textures-CBBE-Fusion girl ****goal/issue detailed****

13. Advanced Animation Framework AAF ************

14. AAF Vanilla Sex Animations **************

15. No Carry Weight Penalty ALL IN ONE

16. Quieter Settlements ALL IN ONE

17. Calientes Beautiful Bodies Enhancer CBBE reduced w/ dismemberment *********

18. Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource

19. Better Locational Damage-Armor Upgrade Overhaul

20. Armorsmith Extended

21. AAF-The One Patch to Rule Them all *************

22. Atomic Lust *************

23. Automatically Lowered Weapons

24. Better Locational Damage-BLD- AI tweaks

25. Backpacks of the Commonwealth

26. Better Companion Gifts

27. Better Companions-No Conflicts

28. Better Cooking Stations

29. Better Explosives

30. Pip-Boy Flashlight

31. Better Female Walk (Average Jiggle) *********************

32. Better Generators

33. Better Junk Fences

34. Agony

35. SuperMutantRedux

36. Weapons of Fate

37. Weapons of Fate-Better locational damage patch

38. Better Locational Damage-required game version

39. Better Power Armor-Extended

40. Better Settlers

41.Body Framework ********************

42. BodySlide and Outfit Studio *********************

43. BodyTalk 3.15 hotfixed **********************

44. Brawl Bug Fix

45. Brighter Wasteland Workshop Lights

46. Buildable Burning Campfires and Fireplaces

47. Bullet Time

48. CBP Physics ***********************

49. CRX

50. CWSS Redux 4.01

51. Canteens of the Commonwealth

52. Cattle feeders immersively filled

53. Better Goodneighbor 1.0

54. Better Goodneighbor cleaned esp file 1.01

55. Color Map 4k w magazines/bobbleheads

56. Colorful survival icons

57. Commonwealths Captives

58. Conquest

59. DECAY 2.2

60. DD Stackable concrete blocks

61. Darker Nights

62. Diamond City expansion-easygirl body and outfit replacer

63. Diamond City Expansion

64. Easy Hacking

65. EferasBetterSettlementBeds

66. Eli's Armor Compendium CBBE and bodyslide

67. Enhanced Lights and FX

68. Everyone's Best Friend

69. Extended Dialogue Interface

70. Extreme Particles Overhaul

71. FO4 NPCs Travel

72. Welcome to Fallons

73. Faster Terminal Displays

74. Female Sexy Sitting and Standing Animation Replacer

75. FemaleSuperMutantRedux

76. Fill'em Up Again

77. Follower Revive System

78. GET DIRTY additional effects

79. Get Dirty (take a bath)

80. Get Dirty Update Follower Script

81. Gunners Overhaul

82. HN66Fo4 EasyGirl MOD MAIN FILE

83. HN66 Easy Girl Patch B

84. Homemaker w/o redundants

85. Immersive Lovers Animation Editions

86. Immersive Lovers Classic Edition

87. Idle Hands

88. Immersive Generic Dialogue

89. Immersive Settlers

90. Immersive Survival messages

91. Immersive Vendors


93. killable children

94. Long use jetpack

95. Long Range Bullet Impacts

96. Longer Power Lines

97. LooksMenu

98. Loot Detector

99. More where that came from-diamond city radio

100. Militarized Minutemen

101. MCM

102. Enhanced Blood Textures

103. More Realistic Pipe Weapons

104. More unique-uniques weapon expansion

105. Move

106. Mutilated dead bodies

107. NMC Sanctuary Bridge

108. No Death Weapon Drop

109. Northland Diggers

110. Paint that house

111. Piper face retexture

112. Place Everywhere

113. Ponytails by Azar

114. Power Armor exit fast

115. Power line physics

116. Prisoner Shackles

117. Quieter Settlements v0.31

118. RU556

119. Radiant Clouds and Fogs (only DL'd for darker nights mod)

120. Raider Armor Overhaul 1.1 hotfix

121. Real Animated Poses *******************************************

122. Realistic Conversations more NPCs

123. Realistic Conversations

124. Recruitable Settlers Main Files

125. Repaired Santuary Roofs

126. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul all dlc

127. Sandbag Fortifications

128. Scrap Everything

129. Shell Rain

130. Sim Settlements Mega pack year one

131. sim settlements 3 in 1

132. Shaikujins better warning for settlements

133. Sleep or save

134. sounds of pain (male)

135. Spliterz-breakable wooden doors

136. survival mode no encumbrance

137. swinging meat bags

138. ZaZout4 V0.0.3.1 beta.7z ********************************

139. Torture Devices

140. True Frags

141. UniqueNPCs creature monsters hybrid

142.uniquenpcs creature monsters hotfix

143. Unique Player **********************************************

144. Universal Working Bathroom Fixtures (CWSS)

145. Unlimited settlement budget

146. unofficial fallout 4 patch

147. better third rail 1.0

148. better third rail 1.01

149. Valdacils Item Sorting

150. Unique unique-unique weapons redone

151. visible companion affinity

152. visual reload

153. xVivid Fallout all in one

154. vivid fallout roads and bridges

155. vivid fallout weathers

156. vivid falloout weathers definitive edition update

157. war of the commonwealth

158. weightless junk and other items

159. workshop planters fixed

160. you and what army

161. ZaZ Extended Skeeton *************************

162. Zombie Walkers

163. Highwaysfix.esp



-unique NPCs FOMOD (read online that this prevents males from being stripped nude)

-Better Body Physics **********************************

-ZCBP-OCBP Configs for Zex bdies Fusion girl ***********

-Raiders gang extended (causes a CTD, disabled as result, not friendly with BLD)


-OCBP for ZeX








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Per LOOT which I just used for the first time:

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm
8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
254 FE 0 YouAndWhatArmy.esl
254 FE 1 BodyTalk3-RaiderNormalsFix.esl
9 9 CWSS Redux.esp
10 a ArmorKeywords.esm
11 b XDI.esm
12 c HUDFramework.esm
13 d SimSettlements.esm
14 e TortureDevices.esm
15 f Homemaker.esm
16 10 AAF.esm
254 FE 2 AAFThemes.esl
17 11 Gunners Overhaul 1.1.esm
18 12 Brawl Bug Fix.esp
19 13 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
20 14 Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp
21 15 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
22 16 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
23 17 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
254 FE 3 RohZima_RealAnimatedPoses.esp
24 18 Realistic_conversations.esp
25 19 Repaired Roofs.esp
26 1a Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp
27 1b ShellRain.esp
28 1c Splinterz.esp
29 1d PD_VisualReload.esp
30 1e WOTC.esp
31 1f Workshop_Planters.esp
32 20 HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp
33 21 BodyTalk3-LooksMenu.esp
34 22 Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
35 23 Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp
36 24 CBBE.esp
37 25 Universal Working Bathroom Fixtures (CWSS and DLCs).esp
38 26 ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
39 27 MoreUniques.esp
40 28 WeightlessMods.esp
41 29 Better Locational Damage.esp
42 2a Weapons of Fate.esp
43 2b Weapons of Fate - Reduced Bullet Speed.esp
44 2c BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp
45 2d clothingoverhaul.esp
46 2e MutilatedDeadBodies.esp
47 2f subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp
48 30 ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless.esp
49 31 def_inv_scrap_en.esp
50 32 ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp
51 33 ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp
52 34 WeightlessJunk.esp
53 35 MojaveImports.esp
54 36 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp
55 37 FunctionalDisplays.esp
56 38 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
57 39 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-VIS.esp
58 3a FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
59 3b Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
60 3c CrimeTown.esp
61 3d ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp
62 3e ValdacilsItemSorting-Aid.esp
63 3f WeightlessAid.esp
64 40 Better Cooking.esp
65 41 ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp
66 42 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp
67 43 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp
68 44 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp
69 45 Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp
70 46 Killable Children.esp
71 47 walkers.esp
72 48 Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp
73 49 Better Perks.esp
74 4a Better VATS - 0.75.esp
254 FE 4 GetDirty_NoCleanlinessPatchForCWSS.esp
75 4b SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
76 4c Journey.esp
77 4d Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp
78 4e Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
79 4f Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
80 50 RecycleBottles.esp
81 51 EasyHacking.esp
82 52 EferasBetterBeds.esp
83 53 Brighter Wasteland Workshop Lights.esp
84 54 Wasteland Workshop Streetlights.esp
85 55 BuildableBurningCampfires.esp
86 56 MK_CanteensofCommonwealth.esp
87 57 MK_CanteensofCommonwealth_Hardcore_Patch.esp
88 58 MK_CanteensofCommonwealth_VIS Patch.esp
89 59 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
90 5a BetterGenerators.esp
91 5b BetterJunkFences.esp
92 5c ImmersiveSurvivalMessages.esp
93 5d DarkerNights.esp
94 5e DarkerNights-Radiant.esp
95 5f DarkerNightsDetection.esp
96 60 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
97 61 Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
98 62 ImmersiveVendors.esp
99 63 LongRangeBulletHoles.esp
100 64 Loot Detector.esp
101 65 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL-VIS.esp
102 66 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
103 67 ALL-In-One.esp
104 68 Fallon's Basement Overhaul.esp
105 69 TrainBar.esp
106 6a Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
107 6b ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp
108 6c GetDirty.esp
109 6d EveryonesBestFriend.esp
110 6e Better Cooking Stations.esp
111 6f FunctionalDisplays-AID-VIS-WI.esp
112 70 FunctionalDisplays-AID-VIS.esp
113 71 MK_Agony.esp
114 72 BLD_Agony_Patch.esp
115 73 FunctionalDisplays-AID-WI.esp
116 74 MK_Agony_VIS Patch.esp
117 75 Follower Revive System.esp
118 76 Body Framework.esp
119 77 UniquePlayer.esp
120 78 Northland Diggers New.esp
121 79 NoDeathWeaponDrop.esp
122 7a Vivid Fallout - All in One - 4k.esp
123 7b ColorfulSurvivalIcons.esp
124 7c Better Explosives.esp
125 7d EPO.esp
126 7e Better Power Armor - Extended.esp
127 7f BE_Enhanced Grenades.esp
128 80 Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 30.esp
129 81 CompanionsGiveBetterItems.esp
130 82 AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
131 83 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
132 84 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
133 85 SlowTime.esp
134 86 PD_LowerWeapon.esp
135 87 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Quest.esp
136 88 RecruitableSettlers.esp
137 89 highwaysfix.esp
138 8a Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
139 8b Vivid Waters.esp
140 8c ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp
141 8d UniqueUniques.esp
142 8e MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
143 8f Conquest.esp
144 90 SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp
145 91 LooksMenu.esp
146 92 SleepOrSave.esp
147 93 TRUBY9.esp
148 94 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
149 95 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
150 96 Move (Get Out the Way).esp
151 97 Brahmin Watertrough.esp
152 98 BrahminFeederFull.esp
153 99 DD_All_the_COncrete.esp
154 9a FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
155 9b RU556.esp
156 9c K9TacticalHarness.esp
158 9e LongerPowerLines3x.esp
159 9f PowerLinePhysics.esp
160 a0 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
161 a1 Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
162 a2 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
163 a3 Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp
254 FE 5 BLD_Armor_Overhaul.esp
164 a4 BLD - AI Tweaks.esp
165 a5 D.E.C.A.Y.esp
166 a6 dD - MoreBloodandBits.esp
167 a7 BLD Holotape Fix.esp
168 a8 Get Dirty extra effects v1a.esp
169 a9 AAF_UniquePlayer_Patch.esp
170 aa ZaZOut4.esp
171 ab ImmersiveLoversEmbraceRemastered.esp
172 ac ImmersiveLoversEmbraceMagnolia.esp
173 ad Prisoner Shackles.esp
174 ae Atomic Lust.esp
175 af CRX.esp
176 b0 Commonwealth Captives.esp
177 b1 DCE_female_body_replacer_EasyGirl.esp
178 b2 UnlimitedSettlementBudget.esp
179 b3 ValdacilsItemSorting-Ammo.esp
180 b4 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp
181 b5 ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp
182 b6 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByTypeOverride.esp
183 b7 ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByType.esp
184 b8 ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortBottom.esp
185 b9 WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp
186 ba ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp
187 bb ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp
188 bc ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp
189 bd ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp
190 be ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp
191 bf VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp
192 c0 Swinging Meat Bags.esp
193 c1 Survival No Encumbrance Dmg.esp
194 c2 True-Frags_v1-2_MidDmg_Knockdown_MidRange_NukaDLC.esp
195 c3 Armorsmith Extended.esp
196 c4 Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp
197 c5 Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters - NonLore.esp
198 c6 SuperMutantRedux.esp
254 FE 6 SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp
199 c7 FemaleSuperMutantRedux.esp
200 c8 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
201 c9 BetterSettlers.esp
202 ca BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
203 cb BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
204 cc BetterSettlersMortalSoldiersPack.esp
205 cd EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
206 ce Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
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