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7 Days To Die

[Mod Request] Teleportation (Off-line Version)


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Hello to the beautiful and creative modding community. Because of you I have enjoyed this game for over 3k hours and keep finding new things to do!


I wanted to make a humble request of some sort of teleportation system that can work with single player.


Maybe a teleportation stone/pole that allows you to connect two points, or a parent-tele stone at that allows you to teleport to child-tele stones.


I'm thinking along the lines of either Valhiem, or Conan Exiles Wayfarer Mod


Is this even possible?


Thanks a million.

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Honestly do not know much about modding.. But because no-one is answering I'd like to.

I think it might be possible.

Maybe look into the death system or something? You get teleported back to the bed, so maybe you can create some instances of it...?

I really don't know man, good luck!

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