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Outposts, fast travel & enhanced perception


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I tried some of the mod compilations and they are all simply great. Thanks a lot. I'm now trying to tweak them a bit but my skill is

just not sufficient to do what I want to do which is the following:


1) That one's easily explained. I want to get rid of fast travel and if its by changing some files after the mission in the beginning where u have to do it ones.


2) I agree that the wallhack is absolutely rediculous so removing the tagging is great but I kind of liked to use the enhanced perception syringe, however

making every enemy in god knows which distance visible is a bit too much. Could it be possible to fade the silouettes out with distance so one can basically only

see what is around the corner? I think that would more reflect an enhanced perception. (Could work for that nature boy syringe too)


Also but probably much harder. It would be even nicer if it wouldn't be these etire silouettes but more of a "smell cloud", maybe even different ones for

different enemys, e.g. these drunken guys obviously have a quite bad breath, the flammernwerfer guys smell of gas or whatever someone farts a green cloud (just for fun^^)

you get the idea.


3)That one is hard. I guess everyone playing this game thought about something along these lines. There should be some real war going on about the outposts. With my humble

understanding about what is possible and what not I'm guessing that the most awesome possibility is not possible, that would be pirates driving around their outpost and attack defenders on

encounter getting the outpost back if they kill erveryone. Actually as far as I know there are even often no defenders when u get back to the outpost. Anyway, maybe it's possible to simulate

something like that. In one of the compilations (can't quite remember which one) one gets to choose wether to leave the outpost in pirates hands or not. I think that should somehow open a

door to a system like... well not so sure here... I guess someone more competent can think about something more sofisticated and more possible but here are some thoughts:


- one obviously can trigger something after raising ones flag on the outpost (liek in this one compilation stated above) also there is the option to revert all the outpost at the end of the game

so there should be some code one can work with (ot not?)

- maybe pirates get the outpost back after like two hours or they get one back every two hours

- maybe that can happen for both sides with the pirates doing it quicker so one has to make an impact

- maybe that even depends on the sourrounding outpost and who owns them

- maybe one could get a quick notification (a beep from the cellphone and some message appearing)

- maybe that could stop for the north island when u know who is no more


Think thats all for now^^ You know... just a way one can theoretically loose all outposts again if one doesn't make an effort making the island swarm with pirates again.

- ah, one more:) maybe the ballance could dramatically change towards the pirates after Hoyd tells Vaas to take the thread (You!!!) more serious.


4) ... I just had one more point but now I forgot about it... nerver mind it will get back to me and then I'll post it.


That's it then. If someone works on something like that I would be even willing to help. I'm a total noob but I could do some pain in the ass work even a monkey could do after beeing briefed (I know how skype works^^).





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It just popped back to my mind.


Increase the range of the sound it makes when one gets near to a relic. Sort of stretch it out so

it starts far away with a whisper. Would add a bit to the exploration factor in a "realistic" way and make

them actually findable when the dont appear on the map (which is great I don't like feeling pemanently forced

to quicktravel across the map to pick them ALL up for almost nothing). Would also add a bit to this

"YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE" kind of thing which the game has going on.


so long,



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