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Building a la Fallout


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CP2077 has a lot of ups and a lot of downs. The modders have helped make it a better game. What's really lacking I think, avoiding work responsibilities for 10 minutes just running around the badlands, is the ability for V to do anything ultimately but GTA style ops, and an on-rails main plot. The entire open world environment is not at all fully developed.


I think one area of improvement is the fact that V gets one dorky apartment that never changes. This apartment is located in a giant tenement. The computer, bed, shower, etc. in it are largely useless and decorative functions.


At least the ability to buy new residences a la GTA would be nice ... but what is really needed? Ya know, the badlands would even better if maybe V could slowly put together his own pad out there, in addition to buying other residences in the city.


If only certain earlier games offered a model here, and what can be done with modding as well. And no I am not suggesting that V should spend time growing corn, and mutfruit :smile:


OK, maybe V growing corn and mutfruit would be great fun :)

Edited by cfrensley
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