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Urgent! Need help with NPC

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What default AI package did you use, there are many? The reason I ask is that your NPC may be moving about on his perch and falling to the main floor below. You can test this by going in game and using tcl to move the player to the perch (or otherwise getting to that spot) and then using the refID.movrto player console command to move your NPC to his perch then tcl your way back to the ground and watch what your NPC does.


Take a look at Stockholm, who is perched atop megaton. he does not use any default AI packages. He uses custom ones that force him to stay put on his perch. Pay close attention to the package flags, setting some of them may result in actions that you don't want, like those listed under Enable Fallout Behavior.


Aside from that, you may need to place some actual barriers around his perch (fencing, walls, stc...), if there aren't any, whose geometry prevents him from actually slipping over the edge and onto the floor below.


You could also try placing a collision plane horizontally under his perch.


Lastly, the perch navmesh needs to be separate from the floor navmesh. And still, I have noticed issues with my own navmeshing when placing one unconnected navmesh overtop of another. Sometimes, the game just goes bonkers with that kind of thing. In that case, if you can, try setting up his perch such that there is no other navmesh directly below his position.

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