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need help with finalizing an exported armor mesh


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Ok I have the import and export settings for blender set right or atleast I think I do. I export the edited armor (wastelandclothing03) and place it in it's folder and open it with geck. The "body parts" that are supposed to be black are skin color. But the armor itself looks like it should. Well in game with armor on, all is well but remove the armor and another body is underneath with patches of the armor showing up. heres the settings i'm using with blender. Is there something else that needs to be done to fix this like with nifskope? Am I supposed to delete the body and the skeleton before exporting? I tried that and the others like loading it into nifskope and hit "update all tangeant spaces" no go. The armor shows up in game but has the body that shows up with when opening it in blender. anyone?


ps. I do have shadow map on. And the latest software, these are just pics from the "Blender-imp-exp_1_2" instruction manual. These are the setting I use for editing body meshes with no problems, with a body mesh like "femaleupperbody" etc, all I have to do with them after exporting is open them up in nifskope and use "update all tangeant spaces and save. Works perfect for that but not for the armor. This poor ol sap needs some help, :( pleease




Edited by Trypal7
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