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Tes Construction set


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Hi i have just recently began creating my own mods for morrowind and i have caught on quickly, but every time i work on a mod ie:(a new landscape),

i go to bed after working on and saving my mod, then when i wake the next day i find that alot of my work like houses,trees,rocks etc. have been deleted. and parts of the game world have been cut open to reavel a nothingness underneath(always in the ocean near my land).


I am very confused by this and can someone please teall me why or if the same thing has happend to them let me know what to do about it.





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  • 3 weeks later...
It sounds like your hard drive may be having problems. You may also have a virus that is triggering something that deletes your plug in. What I would suggest first of all is doing a virus scan. I think McAfee, or Doctor Norton has a free online check that you can use. Second of all, I would suggest if your computer cannot find any viruses maybe when you finish your work, save it to a floppy or something that has flash memory. I know you can get jump drives at stores like best buy, circuit city. Hope I was able to help ya.
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