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1. Riven I will need the souds in WAV format to edit them, when the mod gets compiled we will put it in whatever format it needs to be in.


2. Don Prestoni you are more than welcome to help with the mod, if experience is what you seek the mwe will work together to learn together, we all have a starting point and if no one everr gave anyone a chance we would all be lost, i have faith in your abilities.


3. Neunen Welcome to the Mod and I wish you the best of luck, it looks like this mod is finally taking off.


4. Inventech5 excellt work so far, its really starting to look like an SV-96, hopefully soo we will have a good texture artist if not then we will make do and learn from experience


Update: I have compiled a few new sounds including a Barret .416, HK 416 5.56mm Silenced, MP5 silenced & unsilenced, Desert Eagle .50AE, Beretta 90 Two Unsilenced and Silenced, .338 Lapua for a Sako TRG 42 and L96 AWSM. Will start working on a G3KA4 7.62x51, and M1 Garand soon.

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just wondering....M14? All I can offer is a willing beta tester.....srry IF I'm no help beyond that.


Kinda finding my feet in geck.



I seem to have amny "new" people trying to get into this mod, and I do welcome them, remember this is a community effort we all work together to get stuff done, learn from yuor peers, they will more than likely help you out, they did for me, i can now professionally edit souds and add new sounds and ammo into the game as well as make the physics damages more real, where-as before i couldnt even get my GECK to work. What si it that you want ot learn to do with the GECK? As to your question about the M14 yes it will be in the game under the Vietnam War/Conflict and will be available after the simulation is compete, this mod will encompass over 80 real world firearms the M14 besing that it served for years and still serves today and has even gotten a makeover will definately be in the mod. (maybe with the MQD Suppressor and a working Bipod?).

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I need to learn how to add people and edit face's....would really love to learn how to do eye's...retex's and what not.


I have a idea if you'd like to use it. Instead of a vietnam you could do a world in conflict kinda setting.


(Love's the russian guns.)

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I need to learn how to add people and edit face's....would really love to learn how to do eye's...retex's and what not.


I have a idea if you'd like to use it. Instead of a vietnam you could do a world in conflict kinda setting.


(Love's the russian guns.)



hhhhmmmm interesting idea, i will have to see how it writes out into fallout history it makes sense about the US fighting communism and keeping the 50's mentality, very good notion SaintJames420, I may just use your idea, see you just contributed to the mod and you didnt even have to open the GECK up, we have a few modelers working on this im sure that they can help you if you are willing to learn and help them, interested?

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gave you a kudo Inventech, keep up the good work, its really taking shape there, by the way would you be interested in giving SaintJames420 a few pointers in modeling as he would be using that knowledge to make the characters for the mod? Im not asking you to watch ovre him but to give him some experienced advice that he can use, I know there is a posted message in the foums but im sure you have learned a few "unique" things in your time modeling.
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gave you a kudo Inventech, keep up the good work, its really taking shape there, by the way would you be interested in giving SaintJames420 a few pointers in modeling as he would be using that knowledge to make the characters for the mod? Im not asking you to watch ovre him but to give him some experienced advice that he can use, I know there is a posted message in the foums but im sure you have learned a few "unique" things in your time modeling.

I actually haven't worked with characters before, so I might not be of much help.

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Guns are cool too.....I actually have a mod I'm using, it a An-94....or a Updated Ak-47.


I've been wondering how you actually get a gun modled....I've got blender and I've been trying to get the hang of it but...not so good.


Do you texture with it or is there another program like....GIMP?

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