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[LE] Custom followers with ks as a requirement instead of including it's meshes separately (LE)


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I managed to do this years ago but I've completely forgotten how this all works. I'm trying to make a COTR follower with KS Hairdos and features from Marks of Beauty. I can't remember how I did it before in a way that didn't have me include all the needed meshes and textures from those mods with it. I keep hopping between old bookmarked tutorials and confusing myself further.

In most of the tuts I find the files are all included as a standalone, so how do I just have them be requirements? So far I've ESMified COTR, KS, and MoB. While COTR seems fine and I can find the hair I need from KS in CK object window, the KS hairs don't show up in the drop down menu under base head parts. Can't seem to find the freckles I need from MoB in the object window either. Anyone have any tips or tut links that can jog my memory a bit?

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This tut seems to have solved my hair issue. Now it's just a matter of figuring out where the freckles are and how they're applied.

The author of MoB also says this in their permissions: You are free to use my overlays for followers or other NPCs without asking permission as long as my overlays are baked into the tintmasks of the characters.


So with that in mind how does baking to tintmasks work?

Edited by NilrythVendain
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