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new "super" critter


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hello to all of you gods of modding :)


i was thinking "hmm.. beheemoth's has become quite boring me thinks.. then i came to think of the big nasty critter from starship troopers..

you know the one with a migthy big jaw.. well.. most of the critters there would do actually.. as long as its big and insanely dangerous..


eating beheemoth's like candy type dangerous :D


maybe even a little quest to save a town from it or something somethin...


for lore and immersion purposes you could explain it beeing there as such:

there are already a downed ufo.. so why not another one.. a little bigger maybe..

the critter it self has grown to epic proportins because it's.. well it'a an ailien.. it has had ALOT of wastelanders and super mutants for dinner,

and it is as mentiond an alien, so it's growth is insanely accelerated by all the radioactive waste all around..


or something like that..


soo.. what do you guys and girls think?





and im so sorry for any wrong spelling.. im from norway, that should explain that :)

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should take this as an opportunity to request a large mod...maybe something that adds ALL those nasty critters from starship troopers in the game, though a mod like that could actually take around 36+months, you have to create new animations, completely new models/textures and sounds, methinks best way to go about something like that is to make it take part in a separate world, like what COMM did, exept about 50x bigger. ESCAPE FROM BUG ISLAND! o.o
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