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How can I add a Voice note to the game?


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I've been working on a small mod that adds a number of notes to the game in a new area. So far I've been able to successfully and text notes and image notes and have them work in game. However, I can't seem to figure out how to add VOICE notes. I have a audiolog that I would like to play through the use of a holotape that the player may find. I've already recorded a ~30 second spoken .wav file that I'd like to use to add a bit of flavor to my new area.


I've tried it as a 'Sound' note type. As soon as you click on the note to play it from within the PiPboy (it does show the timescale on the right) after picking it up it crashes the game. To make sure it wasn't my own sound file I had it try to play a sound from within the game (one of Liberty Prime's voice lines). That crashed also. Both sounds play fine within the Geck's preview/info page for the note.


Do I have to set up a new Dialogue tree to be able to play a voice note? Is there an easy way to do this? All i want to do is have the note play the wav file when the player clicks on the note.


Thanks for your help.

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Hurray, I finally figured it out. Thanks in advance to Randian hero; I found this bit doing a search to enable Quests:


1. Go to the Quest section. Right click and select "New".

2. Fill in the quest name and ID, blah blah blah, set it to priority 50 (I don't think it really matters as long as it's in increments of 10 and is from 10 to 100), make sure you check the box that says "Start Game Enabled".

3. Click OK.

4. Open your quest again and go to the Topics tab and right click in the left field. Select "add topic".

5. Right click on the menu that comes up and select "new". Enter a name you can remember for your topic. Hit OK.

6. Type in the Topic Text box what you want the start of dialogue to be.

7. Right click on the field below that and hit New.

8. Fill in the response text (what the NPC will say back to you) and select any idle animations you want to use, or go to Emotions Type and select what mood the NPC will look like they're in when their response is shown. Click OK.

9. Go to the conditions field and select New. Select GetIsID -- it should be the first one that comes up when you open the field. Click on the button that says INVALID and select which NPC you want to target (hint: it's the NPC whose dialogue you're writing). Click OK.


After all of that I was able to add a recorded .wav file to the game and it's working as an audiolog.

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