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CTD from ranking?


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Is there any particular reason you could get a CTD from ranking up? I've fiddled around with the Xcomgame.exe with resource hacker, but even after reverting to the vanilla .exe the crash still happens. The only thing that seems to stop the CTD besides modding it to stop my chars from leveling is to get one or more chars killed.

Edited by Lansat
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I wish I knew the answer too.


I'm using the Long War Mod, and adjusted some values of the rookie soldier initial stats using Toolboks at the start of the campaign (to get a soldier that some day might be able to solo an entire mission).


The game was running fine until I tried to "rank up" any soldier with the mindfray psi skill. Just clicking on it (to train it in the barracks) causes the game to crash, every time, no matter what else I do.


The Psi powers are immensely fun to use, so not being able to level any of them up really screws the game (and will never let me complete the game either).


I don't know what to do, other than to re-install the Long War Mod and start over at an easy level to ensure that I can handle the missions with a single soldier in the late game (after psi powers are available).

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I wonder if that might be it, fiddling with stats. I had actually modded the stats my chars get from leveling, making them about the same each rank rather than some ranks giving a ton of stats. Still crashed after i changed that back though, but it seems some things are locked into your save file once you start a new game, like barracks capacity.

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