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No 'Protected' Enemies?


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My current play-through of Skyrim; I'm using Frenzy spells to manipulate people into defeating my enemies for me.


However, the problem with this is that some enemies that you have to kill, for example, Ennodius Papius, are protected (not essential!) for some reason. This means that they can't be killed by anyone apart from the player and will stop being attacked by all NPC's once they enter bleedout mode.


I was wondering if there was a mod, or even just a setting I could modify myself, that would enable protected enemies to die rather than enter this 'bleedout' stage. I've tried looking for something like this, but have had no luck thus far other than finding a mod for making all enemies unessential, which doesn't work in this case.


Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you.


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If you feel comfortable enough to go into the creation kit and do it yourself, it's actually pretty simple.

Open the creation kit, and go to 'file', then 'data'. Double click on both Skyrim.esm and Update.esm.
Click 'yes to all' for any warnings that come up. It can take a while for everything to load, since these are the master files.
Then you'll need to click on the '*All' button in the objects window, and search for the NPC in the 'filter' bar at the top of the window.
All of the other categories should be minimized for this to work right.
If the NPC is there, double click their name. The icon should look like a little person with a bag over their head.
Once the editor screen is open, just unclick the box that says 'protected'
After that, make sure to go to 'file' and then 'save.'
Name your new plugin whatever you want, and you're done.

Easy as that! I hope that solves everything for you, and if you already knew how to use the creation kit sorry for the extra steps (Just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.)

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Thank you so much! This solves the problem completely.

I've used the Creation Kit once before but your steps made it a lot simpler, and saved a lot of time which I would have otherwise spent stumbling around for the right things.


I really appreciate it, and again, thank you!

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