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Weapon health variable?


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I'm working on a fire-mode mod, but I have some trouble scripting in a way to maintain the weapons condition.

Here is part of the script.


scn 000LaserRifleModeScript

Float LRModeHealth



Set LRModeHealth to player.GetWeaponHealthPerc

player.AddItemHealthPercent, 000LaserRifleModeSniper 1 LRModeHealth


When I try it in-game, the spawned weapon always has 100%, and it doesn't even seem to take any damage when fired.

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The reason the above line failed was because GetWeaponHealthPerc returns a % value like 50.00 or 99.00, were as AddItemHealthPercent needs a fraction like 0.50 or 0.99.

With that solved, a new problem has arisen:

The weapons health is frozen. When it is fired, it takes no damage. The script on the weapon is:


scn 000LaserRifleModeUnequipSniperScript


Float LRModeHealth


Begin GameMode

Set LRModeHealth to player.GetWeaponHealthPerc / 100



Begin OnUnEquip

player.additemhealthpercent, 000LaserRifleMode 1 LRModeHealth

player.removeitem, 000LaserRifleModeSniper 1 1



Any thoughts?

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