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a big problem with vampires


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u see, b4 i got to know the oblivion modding and stuff, i just felt like playing this game because of its complexity, anyways, when i became a vampire i was like "holy s*** that's mofugly" then i changed my character's race with the console and it was really pleasing to see that the ugliness gone, well the happiness didnt last long, although the face is gone, the mofugliness in the program kept on going, in plain english, even though i'm not a vampire anymore people still sees me as one, and wont talk to me, this caused a huge problem, so i used the console and set my personality to 250 and speechcraft to 250 as well, problem solved? hells no, by setting ur personality and stuff so high, everyone likes you too much, problem with that? the bandits wont attack you, the marauders will greet you, the evil characters adore you, is there a way that i can fix this problem? a mod perhaps?, it's greatly appreicated
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I'd say you've managed to mess up your game when you decided to go and change the race settings. There are a few great mods to get rid of the fugliness, but the mod with the most blunt approach is this; Vampire Aging Disabled, it works fabulously though. There is also a mod that requires OBSE that allows lots of more customization options, but I can't find it for the death of me at the moment.(Going to look for a few more mins.)


edit;AHHA, found it;


Vampire Race Disabler, if you're using OBSE, you must definately try it.(Make sure to get all the configurations right though! So read the installation instructions with care.)

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well, just a simple question, is there a mod that might disable the people from recognizing you as a vampire? in other words, is there a mod that stops people from saying "get back you filthy beast" or "you wont get any of my blood" thing?
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