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))))Better Gore Physics((((Request))))


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ok i know there are Gore Fixes and all that But not a Total Realism Over Haul for Blood and Gore i have a Few Mod that Try to fix it but they Fail.. Because it needs to be Over Hauled...


What i mean is ok if you shot some 1 in the Chest with a Rocket Launcher it would blow there Torso Up and maybe there arms, Head, Legs will go flying... not 1 arm or leg Falls off it just makes the game seem Crappy and cheap, I know this can be done Because of the Exploding Body Perk so if that could be incorporated with the Explosives Physics it would make the game way Better... Plus the Blood if some 1ns leg blows off or you blow there head off wheres all the blood? they should be laying in a puddle of blood it should be Squirting out of there Severed Body Part Not just a blood splat on the wall and then nothing after that i know some time when you blow some 1ns legs off blood will shoot out but it never hits the floor it just magically Disappears......


So what needs to be done is....


Explosive Gore Physics Fixed/Added Correctly


Blood Splats/Sprays


oh and of course Fix the Realness of it all


thats all i can think of right know i will post more later on


But this kind of Realism in the game makes me not want to play it

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