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Alternate Female Textures?


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So I downloaded the Enhanced Enclave and Tesla Power Armor mod. They're great textures, but I want the Enclave and Tesla armors to use the Lighter textures (included within) when equipped on females, so I can better determine which gender my Enclave Troops (Enclave Commander) are. How would I do this? I can only change the meshes in the GECK. Do I need to rename the Textures that I want for female to have an 'f' behind it, such as 'enclavearmor01f' or 'teslaarmorf' behind it, or make a new folder? Because I tried the F.
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As far as I remember, there is no female model assigned for any of the Power Armours, so they use the default male model instead which is the first thing you need to change. To assign the correct mesh model to the female biped rollout you'll need to extract the model you wish to use (ie. the enclave armour mesh model) to the correct place using FOMM or similar, then change the texture file that is used for it either using NifSkope or through the GECK texture set feature.


Basically the easiest way to get this done is to follow one of the many tutorials on adding new items, because that is basically what you'll be doing except it uses a vanilla model file and a vanilla texture file as the base files.

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