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using BOSS and TES5Edit made ctd problem worse


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I downloaded a bunch of mods after a clean install (which included SKSE and SkyUI, if that makes a significant difference). I knew from the start I was going to get some CTD issues and have to go back and pick through the mods to find out which ones were the culprits. I would also get to the main menu, and click on new game--sometimes the ctd would occur before the game would load (ie. right after the wait screen with the smoke) while at other times it would ctd right after I finished with the character creation menu.

I go through all my mods on NMM (checking my load orders constantly the whole time), and end up finding four mods that clearly caused ctd when they were present, with the problem going away after I deleted them. I end up with all the mods that I want, minus these four culprits, checked and ready to go, and it works fine--no ctd after the beginning wait screen, and no ctd after the character creation menu.

So, I'm all like "nice, I'll just do the BOSS and TES5edit procedure, then I'll be ready to go!" So, I do--and I know I did the right procedures, having read the manuals and watched the youtube videos on how to do the TES5edit cleaning--then I go to play the game again (using SKSE loader), and it crashes after the beginning wait screen like it did before. Just to reiterate, the only thing that happened between when it worked just fine and when it crashed was that I did the (as far as I can tell, proper) BOSS and TES5Edit procedure. It is possible that I did something wrong in TES5Edit, but I don't know what it would be-I followed the "apply cleaning filter, delete identical to master records, undelete and disable records" procedure to the letter.

Any insight at all would be very much appreciated-sorry about the length of the post, but I wanted to be clear.

btw if it helps, after I did the undelete and disable on TES5Edit, at the end of the log it said there were 4 nav/meshes that could not be undeleted. Maybe that is the problem, and I need to uninstall and reinstall the mods that had the dirty edits, and tackle them all one by one? But either way, I still want to know why this might have happened, if anyone has that knowledge. Thanks in advance!


UPDATE: I uninstalled/reinstalled all of the dirty edited programs, then did the TES5Edit thing again--this time I looked at the log on the right and saw which mod was the one with the nav/mesh problem (for the record, it was one called "Pinewood")--I just went ahead and chucked it out of my NMM, and for now the game seems to be working.

Another update: That good luck didn't last long! It worked that ONE time after I got rid of that mod, now it hasn't worked again a single time since. And the odd thing is, this time I changed NOTHING after the time it worked. It is not an "on and off" crashing problem: it literally worked perfectly fine ONCE, then, even though I didn't make a single new change, hasn't worked since. It is truly baffling. At this point I just might opt for another clean uninstall/reinstall, and this time around pussyfoot with the mods, trying them out one by one.

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While BOSS is by far the best way to set your load order, it is not perfect. There may be errors. And the BOSS team is way behind because of the huge number of new mods being uploaded every day.

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dont use tes5edit unless you understand what it does.

anything that BOSS tags as being dirty or whatever you need to verify(!) in tes5edit if this is actually really the case or not. Do not blindly assume what BOSS says is right, BOSS puts messages from a database it does not actually check inside of a plugin for errors. It will attempt to sort your load order, but it should only be seen as a suggestion and not a solution. You should know what you install and how your mods will react to eachother and how they should be loaded...




Define "Download a bunch of mods" = how many? And did you read their complete mod pages before install? I can see already 2 problems you have that can be avoided easily when you actually read what you install and the complications it might cause and what you have to do against it... If I understand your explanation of "CTD on character creation" well and you probably resolved it by removing some character mods, probably Hair mods... the CTD on startup is a missing master file to a mod you have installed or a problem in the load order. Both of those can be fixed without removing anything.


Navmesh error doesnt cause CTD. Navmesh is what NPC's use to know how to get from point A to B. Should be fixed in CK, not tes5edit.



Start by dropping here a full list of the mods you installed and some additional info so people can actually help you;

  • Mods with plugin (.esp/.esm) + load order
  • Mods without plugin, eg. Texture replacer like Skyrim HD, and their resolution
  • Any tweaks to Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini you might of done
  • Your system specs; RAM / Vid / OS (x86 or x64)
  • Details about crash; when, where, any specifics (do you have follower, is it in combat situtation, always in outside world, always when getting close to a city, etc)
  • Other strange things you might of seen; missing textures, infinite load screens
  • (Hopefully you do this:) Did you test your mods on a new game or an already existing save


Reinstalling wont solve a thing for you if you plan to install the same mods again.

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