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It aint easy makin cheezy


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I’m looking for a mod that allows me to make cheese (maybe from a jug of milk and salt pile?). I think CACO might but I don’t need all that just to make some cheese. Is there anything out there or is anyone willing to throw one together? It’s hard to believe that all these mods that add new recipes don’t include cheese or I'm just not seeing it. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Esotek
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Sorry, I don't know of a simple tool, but both of these (imo) excellent player homes by LeianneG should provide cheese making. They also have working churns afaik. (and some other cool tricks) And if I'm not mistaken, they offer some new ingredients and cooking recipes too. And substantial garden plots if you care.


Waterview in Skyrim

Waterview - Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil playerhome


The first one is located along the lake/water system between Riften and Ivarstead on the south side


The second is located just "below" Bruma in Cyrodil


and cheese is basically cream (made from milk in the churn), salt, and a third ingredient (frost merriam, etc, flavor dependent << i think that one produces Eidar cheese)


BTW, for easier access to milk (which will be needed in copious quantities if you want to make lots of cheese)


Usable Butter Churns and Milkable Cows provides some additional goodies to make the whole thing easier, since there are cows all over and one or the other of those I think provides goat milk too... Not sure if it adds cheese making or not, but I don't think so, just cream and butter, but I could be wrong.

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Thank you very much for this information. I will dl and check out Waterview and see if it has what I need. As for the milk I am using both the one you mentioned and the milkable goats so milk shouldn’t be a problem.

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Hope it suits you. FYI, after you install, you will use its butter churn to make cheese as well as cream and butter. (augmented butter churns). PS> Eidar cheese is used to make elsewhere fondue which provides a nice buff.


I have both homes and have extensive gardens at both. the Southern one gives me an excuse to visit Cyrodil now that I've cleared most or all of its quests. (the Cyrodil one also has a massive orchard in addition to its regular garden spaces due to yet another useful food/ingredient-tool mod called Farm Everywhere)


btw, if you're not a "gardener" but want to explore alchemy, gardens are a very nice way to grow tons of ingredients. Take a bit of up front work planting, and a bit of patience if you're starting with only one seed for a given plant type to grow, harvest, replant harvested seed, grow those, harvest plants, plant those ones, save a couple, until you gain a hefty inventory of flower/roots/seeds/whatever it provides. This makes 'experimenting" way easier, since you don't have to worry about using things up trying to see what goes together.


If you have it or can find it, another mod along these lines is Better foods Version 1.1 (unfortunately deleted from the nexus a long time ago)


these ones (along with others) *are* available:

Better Food Effects with New Recipes - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39854

Better Food Benefits - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39854

Better Food and Drink - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14131/


If you're one of those folks who doesn't use cheats for carrying too much weight, or who's reached a practical limit on the amount and number of items you can carry (inventory/chest/body-looting checks start to suffer from lag) one tip for the storage jars these two home mods provide for herbs/etc. skip putting each into its own container (or carrying everything with you at all times). There yet another cool mod worth investigating called Automatic Item storage that can make crafting and storage a lot easier...


But this is all way beyond what you asked for so I'll just shut up now.

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Great information, I appreciate it! I currently use Farm Everywhere but I am now also looking into the others you linked to. I checked out Waterview and I like it but right now I’m playing a character who lives in northern Skyrim along the coast so I just used Jaxonz Positioner to copy and take the items I want. Thank you again for the detailed info!

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