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Scripted Critical Hit


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I've been looking around for this, but I haven't been able to find a solution.

Is there a way to get a weapon to critical hit via scripting? I want it to have a 0 chance of critical hitting during normal play, but under certain conditions, I want the script to make it perform a critical hit.

Anyone know of a way?

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I know of no reliable way to make a weapon do a critical hit directly. Your only option is to emulate it - that is, use a script to apply the critical effects.


Attach this script to the weapon:

scn	EmulatedCriticalHitScript

ref	rActor
ref	rTarget

begin OnEquip

	set rActor to GetContainer


begin OnFire

	if [Conditions are met]
		set rTarget to rActor.GetCombatTarget
		if rTarget
			[Do stuff on the target, like DamageAV, AddSpell, etc.]


Note that I'm not certain whether GetCombatTarget is reliable when called on an actor other than the player.

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  • 5 months later...

What about GetLastHitCritical dose that not check for a critical hit you can apply things to?


Sorry if I am posting out of turn but I am researching how to do a scripted CIOS script that fires off on critical hit since I am having trouble getting all the stuff to work through critical hit that works fine though object effect.

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