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Banahezzer - BANNED

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Banahezzer banned.

Knowingly re-uploading a mod by another author without the original author’s permission

Pertaining mod

Enhanced Animation
- Created by L0rd0fWar, deleted by its author 04 July 2016 - 02:40 AM
- Re-uploaded by Banahezzer 27 September 2021, 5:41PM, removed by a member of the staff 28 September 2021, 28 Sep 2021, 8:18PM

Uploader's comments/replies

27 September 2021 08:10 PM in response to post #99850933.

Isnt this one of the mods by LordOfWar who took all of them down?

No idea. But i've manage to get this masterprice.

28 September 2021
08:48 AM in reponse to post #99870813.

Did you get permission from L0rdofWar to reupload his mod?

I mean if he cared about his creations then he'd not deleted them.

10:45 AM in response to post #99875998.

Probably not a great idea to upload this. Nexus hates that kinda thing and it might end up getting you banned if a mod sees this.

Hah, i'll take my chances then. I did it so people will enjoy this mod again like it was before.
Edited by Banahezzer, 28 September 2021, 07:40 PM.

If an author deletes her/his files from the site, it is to be assumed that s/he does not wish to have her/his files published anymore. Her/her permission for a re-upload cannot tacitly be taken for granted. Due to your comments, you did not care about that at all. You took chances on being banned.

Site owner's File Submission Guidelines (excerpt)

Usage and Accreditation
Submissions must conform to the following guidelines:

• Submission of existing user-submitted content without obtaining permission from the original author(s) of said content is strictly prohibited.

• Proper credit to the original author(s) must be given unless the author(s) has/have specified that credit is not necessary. Please, be aware that the mere accreditation of an author is no substitute for receiving explicit permission to upload or modify someone else’s content.

• The uploader is responsible for understanding the legalities involved when using copyrighted work and submissions that contain such content may be removed.

Distribution Permissions in Relation to other Users
If the author has not provided any permission information at all - you should assume that you must request permission from the author.

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