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Skyrim VR looting/containers/npc - prevent accidental 'use' function


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Apologies if I am asking for something that already exists, but I can't find anything. I tried many times to find an existing solution to this.


Section 1
--- Removing an irritation and annoyance ---

I keep accidentally drinking potions and equipping items directly from loot. This is not because I don't know what the correct button is to do what I want. It's because I forget and screw up, and I believe I screw up because, in the barter menu, the trigger button 'takes,' but in looting/container menus the same button 'uses.' I would like to give a giant thumbs down to whoever designed it this way.

Just in case it may be relevant: I am using VRIK with the "VRIK Player Avatar Controller Bindings" mod. I tried to see if I could figure out anything by reading "controlmapvr.txt" in it, but i could not.


Any of the following solutions would suit me: (1) removal of the 'use' function from containers/npcs altogether, or (2) have a confirmation dialogue to confirm that I really do want to drink that potion right out of the dead bandit's pocket, and put on his crap armor instead of what I'm wearing, or (3) re-map the container/npc buttons to do the same thing in all inventory menus. That is, I would like the trigger to 'take,' not 'use.'

I believe the best solution overall would be a combination of solution (3) along with (2) with a possible option for solution (1). I probably actually would go for solution (1). Rarely, if ever, I have wanted to equip/use directly, even from a follower.


Section 2
--- Adding a convenience ---


I would like to be able to blacklist items from being taken while looting. Specifically, I would like to be able to blacklist clutter and low-value items like Draugr weapons from being included with the "take all function." Again, I have tried searching through existing mods many times with no success.

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I'm actually looking for a similar solution. In my case (using Index controllers and VRIK binding) I don't actually have a button to "take" (single item), all I have access to is "use" and "take all", which is very annoying. Can I ask what controller you are using? Oculus or Index? And on yours, which button is the "take" button?


I also tried re-assigning the "equip or take" function in the controlmapvr.txt file but it doesn't work.

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I am using Windows Mixed Realitry controllers. It's an old Lenovo Explorer that I bought off a friend. My 'take' and 'take all' buttons are on the touchpad. It's an 4- or 8-directional circular pad that also has touch sensitivity like a laptop trackpad. I believe my downloaded bindings have as 'Take all' as pressing left on the touchpad, while 'Take' is pressing on the middle of the touchpad.


I am guessing that button remapping will not solve the issue though, because the issue, for me at least, is that completely different buttons do the same function in similar windows.

I don't know if this will be helpful, but I looked at the file "Controls.txt" in the mod "VRIK Player Avatar Controller Bindings," and under 'Index' it says:

"Rift/Index Inventory Menu: ... Right A: Equips to Right Hand or Takes a Single Item"

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