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Slight problem with Heffy's AK's and AR15's Weapons Pack.


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I was using Heffy's AK's and AR15's weapons pack, and one of the things it did was change the first person view of my arms and weapon, holding them out further from my body then normal. I've stopped using the mod, and I was wondering if there was any way to change it back to the default length.

Edited by AncientRaig
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"Stopped using the mod" meaning you uninstalled it?

If so, then some of the files associated with the mod, namely weapon pose animations, were not removed. I suggest you ask Heffy exactly which files you need to delete in order to revert to the vanilla poses.

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"Stopped using the mod" meaning you uninstalled it?

If so, then some of the files associated with the mod, namely weapon pose animations, were not removed. I suggest you ask Heffy exactly which files you need to delete in order to revert to the vanilla poses.

Thank you.

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