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The BORG or Agent Smith


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I might sound like a stupid fanboy...


that whould be an awsome mod!


basically you should be able to play as a new race -> borg/smith

and if someone could manage it maybe turn other npc's into borgs/smiths too(via clothing or something)

and make em follow you around and fight with you


great idea^^

basically you should be able to make clones of yourself

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LOL. I like this mod.

I'm a big Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, Babylon 5, etc.

and would love to see the Borg or at least Borg clothing. I don't know how to mod, but if I ever figure out how, you can bet I'm making Fallout 3 into a Sci-fi fans dream. I just wish I new how. Its probably very simple to change clothing, just time consuming, and that I have a lot of. If someone could show me or indicate a easy-to-use guide I would happily try. I kwon theres a Trek uniform mod out there, but its only female and my character is male.

Good suggestion.

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