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A Simple "How do I..." question.


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If you are implying on how to make a new creature using the ogre... First of all:


1.Download Oblivion Mod Manager. OMM Nexus

2.Then navigate to your oblivion/data folder

3.export the Oblivion - Meshes.BSA files to the meshes folder in the data folder

4.the files should be exported by OMM, it should bring up a list of files, just export all to a folder stated above

5.start up cs

6.load oblivion.esm

7.navigate to creatures/ogres in the construction set

8.in the list with all the types of ogres, right click and press new

9.where it says Add NIF File click it

10. navigate to oblivion/data/meshes/creatures/ogres/ and select the skeleton.NIF file


If this helps then I'm glad to have been of assistance. This will only use the ogre though, you'll just be able to name it what you want and change attributes and ect.

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