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bible defender

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This is just a request for Oblivion. It always bothered me that when you committed a crime, you automatically went to prison. I was just wondering if there were any way to make a mod that sent you to trial.


Here is what I had in mind. If the victim escapes, or if there were witnesses, you got caught and went to jail (for booking, and a chance to escape). Then from there you went, say to the elder council for trial. After hearing the side of the prosecutor (where victims and witnesses describe what happened), your lawyer and you make an argument for your innocence. Then the council will decide your guilt, and the sentencing. In the most heinious cases, the death penalty. You are sent to jail, (to serve your sentence, or await execution [that would be a timed event where you have the chance to escape]) then released (if not executed). You have a chance of gaining skills and losing some due to the time you spend.


Is that possible? If so is there anyone who could make the mod? I am completely illiterate as far as modding goes.

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