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Looking for lost weapons mod...


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I know the mod existed at one point but for the life of me I can't find it nor remember what it was called.


Here is what it was post to do. Mind you this will disorganized and might be wrong is some spots.


What it did was sort of a rewrite on weapons and ingots. Ingots could be seperated into heavy or refined catagories then made into weapons that were heavier but balanced to do more damage, or lighter making them slightly weaker but faster swings. That's an extremely rough idea of what the mod was. I liked the idea but at the time my computer couldn't handle the game.


I think you could still make the normal stuff, you just had the option to make more refined in some way weapons.


I'm fairly sure I saw it on the nexus as this was the first modding community I stumbled across.

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Ore Smithing is the only one I could find in a short time. Not finished and has not been updated in a while so probably not the one. Is a very interesting idea. If someone finds a complete mod based on this concept I'd like to take a look at it considering ZenoMax appears to whisper rumors about a similar concept in the TESO crafting system.

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