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Creation Kit Question


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Okay, not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out.


I'm build a castle in an interior cell, let's refer to it as 'CellA' for now.


In the begining every thing was working fine, whatever changes I made to 'CellA' would save in 'CellA' and be there when I re-loaded the Creation Kit. Great.


... But now suddenly any changes I make to 'CellA' in the Creation Kit, save in a duplicate cell like 'DuplicateCellA01', and for the record I did not create any duplicate cells myself the Creation Kit did.


Now I am particulary confused because I copied all the changes from 'DuplicateCellA01' and pasted them back into 'CellA' saved and re-loaded, and upon re-loading the changes had been moved to yet another duplicate cell 'DuplicateCellA02', now every change I make to the original cell 'CellA' gets placed in a duplicate cell upon reload.


Am I missing something?


Something easy perhaps?


Overlooking a object limit or something, it's an empty castle so far just walls and floors.


Please help. >.<

Edited by kingweasley
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