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Far Cry

Why is the mod not working?


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Hi there,


I am really puzzled. I have downloaded the Schwartz 1.4 Far Cry 3 mod and placed the patch.dat and patch.fat files in the Far Cry 3\data_win32 folder. I stored the original patch.fat and patch.dat files in another folder. When I launch the game the mod is not working. What could be wrong? I am playing on a pc and I have shut down the game as well as Uplay. If anyone knows how to fix this I would really, REALLY appreciate your help. Thanks and have a nice day!

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Besides the patch.dat and patch.fat being placed in the data_win32 folder.........................isn't there another .dll file of some sort in the Schwarz 1.4 mod that is supposed to be installed in the Ubisoft/FarCry3/bin folder? Most of these mod compilations have that as well. Good luck!


UPDATE: Disregard.....................I just DLed the Swartz 1.4 mod and unpacked it..........................there is no .bin folder and .dll file in that particular mod. My bad!

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