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Multiple visible Weapons


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It bugs me that only one weapon is shown at a time


It would be cool to see your character running around with a bow across his back, AND a sword at his hip.

Or a sword on either side for dual wielders.


I have no experience with modding myself, so I don't know if it can be done.


I do however imagine something like having the weapons you have in your favorites menu showing all at once.

This would of course mean that you could only have one weapon at the time in your favorites filling the same "slot". For example would you only be able to have either a bow, OR a two handed weapon in your favorits menu, since they occupie the same slot across your back. You could still switch between bow and two handed, simply using the inventory, and swapping your favorites.


I know some people might consider this a hassel, but again I think it would be cool having your character running around with a greataxe across his back, a crossbow at his left side, and a dagger at his right.


imo, it would give the player the feeling that his character was prepared for ANYTHING!


PS. hope you ignore spelling and grammar errors





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I have a much simpler way, go to your Skyrim.ini file and add this line under General:




Any weapon that is favourited will appear on your body. Can have some side effects, don't change weapons when you already have one out, else the model of the first will remain in your hands.

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I have a much simpler way, go to your Skyrim.ini file and add this line under General:




Any weapon that is favourited will appear on your body. Can have some side effects, don't change weapons when you already have one out, else the model of the first will remain in your hands.

That's what Armed to the Teeth easy version is.

Edited by thenobody0
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