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Mihawk mustache and eyes from One Piece


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Hello people


I got to say I am new,and I don't get a good english (I am French,for your information.)

So,I would like to see a mod (or 2 - 3) who adds the features things on the face of Mihawk,from One piece.

Here what i would like to have from those pictures of Mihawk : http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/348/9/8/drakul_mihawk_in_pose_colored_by_lordbalda-d34upe5.jpg / http://op-nouveau-monde.e-monsite.com/medias/images/dracule-mihawk.png


I actually wish that someone could make the mustache,the eyes,and if possible (not priority) a armor who looks like his clothes.

Of course,I will be very happy if someone could give me links who add the mustache or the stuff,or even the eyes !

I just want to make a Mihawk RP in Skyrim,i got his Sword ! So don't give me the link of it.



Thank you for have take time of read :P


PS : And sorry,for my BAD english ._.'''

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