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Best Race


What's you'r favourite race?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What's you'r favourite race?

    • Argonian
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf
    • High Elf
    • Imperial
    • Khajiit
    • Nord
    • Orc
    • Redgaurd
    • Wood Elf

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:lol: Nord Is The Best Cuz They Got Heal +100 Skill, Very Usefull When Yur Runnin Low On Health Potions In The Middle Of A Battle :D

Well if what you say is right, any race can have the ritual as a birthsign and that means your first post (quoted) is - er - wrong!

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Dark Elves are the coolest. They just have this mysterious something about them. High Elves would be my second because of the way they carry themself, very superior-ish looking.


I based my decision on appearance since, with enough training, all characters eventually can end up 'statistically' the same.

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Brettons have like a 50 percent resist magic and fortify magic as well. The best to be hands down if your going to be a mage. Dark elves are pretty bad ass but not much mana wise, they give you a good destruction level to start, but destruction costs alot of magic. Basically you turn out to be a warrior who can cast a couple of strong spells, a couple a best.

I think Bethesda could've put more thought into how the charters evolved, I mean you become a Nord because of the strength and ability to use heavy armor, or a Bretton to use powerful spells. They said they made it this way as not to give a quote "unfair advantage" to any one race. But this is why you become a Bretton, or a Orc, to have an unfair advantage, no matter how hard you work a wood elf could never become as strong as a Orc, but just set a few strength based attribute skills and your well on your way. That sucks! I don't care how much you train there's now way a female Wood elf can become that strong, or should be allowed to. Thats like saying anyone who trains hard enough can be a proffesional body builder, wrong! Wood elfs arent strong and Nords ard too dumb to cast powerful spells, thats just the way it is, or at least it should be.




Viva Werewolfs!

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According to your sig, Ninjasalad, you feed your foes to death. You clog their arturies perhaps?


I must confess you had me pondering on what an arture was for a while. Then I clicked - Archer!


What has happened to spelling, these days??? :D

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What has happened to spelling, these days???  :D 


Malchik, If everyone on these forums could spell correctly, I'd get my wings :P


I like the High elves the best. I dont know why, But I like being taller than almost everyone in morrowind. Helps the ego... :D

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Темные Эльфы УПРАВЛЯЮТ!!!!!!!!!!

если Вы используете их abillitys право, ваш уровень ЗАСТРЕЛИВАЕТ, и они хороши каждым способом йота хорошая обработка(лечение).





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