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Best Race


What's you'r favourite race?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What's you'r favourite race?

    • Argonian
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf
    • High Elf
    • Imperial
    • Khajiit
    • Nord
    • Orc
    • Redgaurd
    • Wood Elf

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Moogles! Or at least my *Ahem* balanced moogles.

You can get the mod on the Machall.com webcomic site. it's called MogMod. Although you'll probably have to do some major changes to their abilities.


They have a really nasty jump ability and a bit too much slowfall. Sure, they have wings, but sheesh.

So i changed the stats completely and balanced them so that the jump is only a little higher than any other (taller) character would be able to reach, and the slowfall is set to something really low. ^.^

No problem, even if you're a newbie at using the editor ^_^


They look awesome! (to those of you who actually know what a moogle is, these aren't MOOGLES per se, but more a sort of humanoid moogle. Think of them as what kajiits are to cats)

Just. Check it out. It's SO worth it. Great race =D

And you have no idea how cool it looks with a guy who's four heads shorter than the shortest playable race in game, wielding a bigass longsword. >=)


And there's a night elf mod that has real world of warcraft-style night elves, which i also have.... They make great archers. ^^


Can never get enough good race mods! :P

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Hey everyone.


Anyway, I don't really have a favorite race, I play different ones depending on my mood. My current characters are all Imperials, which fits well with my newfound playing style of Long Sword/Light Armor/Marksman/Alteration/Destruction, but that's just me. It really changes a lot, and like was said earlier, you could really pick on looks, because they can all turn out to be the same.


That said, I can't play Wood Elf anymore. Their voices annoy me and being shorter than everyone is not good for your self-esteem!

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i love moogles too x)


i'm using a high elf now. the weaknesses kinda suck, but i love starting with 300 magicka x)

the weakness does make the game a little more challenging, what with cliff racers throwing fireballs at me...and i only have 35 health...


i really don't have a favourite race though. i haven't tried the dahrjiin yet, but from the pics, they look pretty cool. i'll probably try them when i'm bored playing with my mage

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But the problem is the same, in every Computer RPG.

All they are Combat-based game, and the same is for Morrowind! (DON'T SAY "NO"!).

So you like high elf and breton for their magic ability?

And what will you do when you're struck by an orde of skeleton or something like that? Will use your Elemental Burst killing yourself? Or one of the (useless) damaging spell "at touch"? :P

Why don't you like to kill 'em all using your adrenaline rush ( :) ) an your B.F.S.

(Big F**king Sword!)?

My first Char was an Orc Warrior (now i'm lev. 41), the second a breton warrior-enchanter (probably a failure :( ), then i tried the Powerful Reguard warrior (a true satisfaction). At the end, i used a Kajiit monk (it is the only race with a better starting Hand to Hand skill), but it's very hard to carry on.


Note: i wrote warrior, enchanter ecc... but i use ALWAYS the adventurer, cause i like to custom mi skills.

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But the problem is the same, in every Computer RPG.

All they are Combat-based game, and the same is for Morrowind! (DON'T SAY "NO"!).

So you like high elf and breton for their magic ability?

And what will you do when you're struck by an orde of skeleton or something like that? Will use your Elemental Burst killing yourself? Or one of the (useless) damaging spell "at touch"? :P

Why don't you like to kill 'em all using your adrenaline rush ( :) ) an your B.F.S.

(Big F**king Sword!)?

My first Char was an Orc Warrior (now i'm lev. 41), the second a breton warrior-enchanter (probably a failure :( ), then i tried the Powerful Reguard warrior (a true satisfaction). At the end, i used a Kajiit monk (it is the only race with a better starting Hand to Hand skill), but it's very hard to carry on.


Note: i wrote warrior, enchanter ecc... but i use ALWAYS the adventurer, cause i like to custom mi skills.


for the most part, i try to face of against baddies one on one. even two at a time can be rough unless i can hover over them. i suppose a breton would be better in that regard - cast greater resist * first, then cast the corresponding wide area destruction spell.


question - can you absorb your own spell effects? i'm using the sign of the atronauch (spell absorption 50). perhaps with another boost to absorption i'd be able to absorb it rather than resist it (i never bothered to try yet).


i'm using an orc now, custom fighter class. i carry around mazte and sujamma for battles x)

and thanks to mw complete, i'll be a smith too

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Mine would have to be Red Guard:


Custom class:











Blunt weapon






with this you will be very good with speech craft and an excellent fighter. Speed and such will rise all the same except you will be starting with less, although this depeneds on how u raise ur skills and at what rate( i suggest focusing on one at a time... to avoid wasting skill levels.....to maximize high level stats)




and high elf can be incennertaed quite easily it is in your best intrest to have fire proof clothing ... but the high elf are excellent at magic.


wood elf make great theiefs as do dark elfs but wood elf are much better.


Argonians and katjya's(w/e!!) do suck as fighters and and warriors(same crap)

and why you ask? they cant wear boots or helmets two very importanat parts of armour. Head shots are very lethal and leg shots can knock you down and then they can deliever the final blow.


Breton's ???? never tried em :shifty:


also about personality( off topic) its good to get a high rank in the tribunal temple(vivic) becuase you can taunt the special high ordinator in mournehold to fight you... and you can wear his armour becuase you are high rank, its also very powerful and has a constant effect enchant :) (on both the weapon and the armour)


also you can get instant high rank at the temple in vivic by haveing:

1 90 + level rating

2 35 + level ratings


abilities allowed:


blunt weapon




quick way to get that sweet ass armour :) ( oh yes you will be the leader of the temple :) )

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